When you use the Registry License Store, proper license key (for runtime usage) must be installed on the target computer (the computer where the product will be running).
The standard method for installing the OPC Data Client or OPC Wizard license on runtime machines is manual: The user runs the License Manager utility (GUI or console-based), and installs the license by pointing the program to the license file stored on the disk.
If you have multiple OPC Data Client or OPC Wizard versions installed on the computer, you need to deploy the license key that covers them all.
The subsequent part of the documentation describes how to automate the above procedure so that the user does not have to interact with the License Manager utility.
The license key is stored in the registry, under the following registry key:
In order to install the license key, this registry key and anything that is beneath it, must be properly deployed to the target machine.
Note: On 64-bit systems, the license key is stored in 32-bit registry. When the registry is accessed from 64-bit application, you must use the following registry key instead:
The license key is stored in the registry, under the following registry key:
In order to install the license key, this registry key and anything that is beneath it, must be properly deployed to the target machine.
Note: On 64-bit systems, the license key is stored in 32-bit registry. When the registry is accessed from 64-bit application, you must use the following registry key instead:
The license key is stored in the registry. For the license to be recognized, the process (that runs OPC Studio components) must have read access to the corresponding registry keys. That is normally not a problem under "interactive" user accounts and traditional desktop applications, but it can be an issue e.g. when OPC Data Client runs as Windows service, or in hosted environments (such as IIS).
Specifically, IIS has one process for each Application Pool, and the application pool runs under a configurable user account. You need to assure that this user account has read access to the registry keys where the license is stored.